Call for Submissions
The 4th Last Chance New Play Fest will be held in Helena, MT, November 3-12, 2017. One segment of this festival will offer a suite of 10-minute plays on the theme of Artificial Intelligence (AI). At least four plays in the suite will be selected from submissions to the Fest. All Montana playwrights are invited to submit.
The rules below must be followed in order for a play to qualify for the competition.
The playwright must currently reside in Montana.
The play must be brand new; written specifically for this competition, neither published or previously produced, and written around the topic theme "Artificial Intelligence (AI)" Each writer may submit only one play.
The running time of your play should be 8-10 minutes, with a maximum of four characters and with the ability to be staged using minimal sets and costumes. (If a selected play runs more than 12 minutes, the director will contact the playwright for changes. If no agreement is reached, the Fest reserves the right to make edits solely to meet the run-time requirements.)
The submission must be "blind," that is, your name, email address, or any other personally identifiable information must not appear in the play document.
The play must be received before August 15, 2017. All plays should be submitted via email as follows.
Subject: 2017 Submission: title
Substitute the name of your play for the world "title" in the subject line.
The body of your email must include your name, mailing address, and an attachment containing your play. The attachment may be in .txt, .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. Your name MUST NOT appear in this document.
Plays selected for the Fest will be announced by September 30, 2017, and all entrants will be notified. By submitting a play, you grant the Last Chance New Play Fest permission to perform your work during the Fest. All other rights are reserved to the author. We can not offer compensation at this time, however, judges will select one play from the suite for a $50 award.