New Play
Nov 2-11, 2018
Free Ceramics
650 Logan St.
Helena, MT
The Plays
The Apocalypse Theatre in Downtown Rensselaer by Terri Atwood
"A place where even the dead are funny."
Cage Free by Rebecca Ryland
"When the human population explodes, who survives cage free?"
Cousins of War by Steve Palmer
"A horse theft made enemies of two cousins."
Dark Side of the Moon by Susan Dunlap
"When your son builds a rocket to the moon, you have to follow, but what have you left behind?"
The Keep by Wendy Cohan
"When an epidemic strikes, human bonds still survive."
Ladybug, Ladybug by Jordan Chesnut
"A road trip becomes a journey of the imagination."
Rapture: The Musical by Barry Stambaugh
"It's all fun and games until somebody goes to Hell!"
Workers of the World by Ross Peter Nelson
"To overthrow the monarchy, or not; that is the question."
A one man comedy - three acquaintances, not exactly friends, meet at a cocktail party.
In a dystopian future, a man obsession's with a holographic image puts his survival at risk.
A young professional woman struggles with her obligations to and the mortality of her grandmother during weekly visits.

Tuesday of the Dead
Dan Weatherer (10-min, comedy)
Zombies ... and tea.
100 years in the future, from the Saturn Station Lounge, our soulless host remembers 2018 and his fateful decision, through the music his lost soul had created.

The Writers

Terri Atwood
Clancy, Montana
Terri Vasecka Atwood, a military brat, joined the Air Force in 1972 and became one of the first women in American Forces Radio and Television. She spent the last year of the Vietnam war as a radio announcer in Thailand. Then came back to Montana and worked in broadcasting for 20 years, got her degree in History and spent another 20 years teaching. She is currently an Adjunct Professor in History and Theatre at Helena College.

Jordan Chesnut
Missoula, Montana
Jordan Chesnut (writer) Jorden Chesnut (writer) Jordan started her theatrical career as Dancer #3 in elementary school, moving up to the Drunken Tapster in Shakespeare’s Merry Wives in high school. She holds an MFA in poetry from the University of Montana. She loves spending time in the forest picking berries, especially when they can be made into pies.

Wendy Cohan
Missoula, Montana
Wendy Cohan is a writer from Missoula, Montana, and the The Keep is her first play. A practicing nurse since 1994 and the author of two health and wellness books, Ms. Cohan made a midlife leap to her second act, writing full time about women’s lives with as much humor as she can get away with. You can find more of Ms. Cohan’s work on TheFineLineMag.com, PrimeWomen.com, LivingtheSecondAct.com, and Medium.com

Rachel Dean
Havre, Montana
Rachel Dean is a Havre native and fourth-generation Montanan. She earned her Bachelors in Writing and Communication from Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnesota. She then earned her Masters in Creative Writing at the Harvard Extension School in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Rachel's work experience includes fundraising, business writing and marketing, and children’s ministry. She currently works as the Chief of Staff at MSU-Northern. She enjoys spending time with her four fabulous kids and wonderful husband.

Susan Dunlap
Butte, Montana
Susan Melinda Dunlap’s plays have been performed in New York City, New Mexico, Kansas and Montana. She has been commissioned by the Root and the Bloom to write a play about water in 2019. She has been published in the Piltsdown Review, the Alexandria Quarterly, Word Riot and the Brooklyn Review. She was a finalist for a Jerome Fellowship for Emerging American Playwrights. MFA: Brooklyn College.

Ross Peter Nelson
Helena, Montana
Ross has authored several plays, award-winning short fiction, and two books on computer technology. He is a member of the Dramatists Guild and his plays have been performed across the US and on three continents. Becoming Number Six, his dark comedy about internet surveillance, premiered in New Orleans in 2016. In 2017 he served as playwright-in-residence at Can Serrat, Spain.

Steven Palmer
Helena, Montana
Steven Palmer is an actor, playwright, and ceramic artist. He has a degree in Art and Theatre from MSU. His works have been produced in Montana and Washington, and he has appeared as an actor in productions by Grand Street Theatre and HTC.

Rebecca Ryland
Clancy, Montana
Rebecca holds an MFA in Acting/Directing and is a member of the Dramatists Guild. She has performed in Equity theatre and directed professionally for the past 30 years. Her plays have been produced off-Broadway, at colleges & universities and at community theatres across the U.S. and Canada. She is the owner of Heartland Plays, Inc. and the founder of ETC.

Barry Stambaugh
Helena, Montana
Barry moved to Helena in 2014 from Austin, Texas with his wife Vicki, who’s from Butte (so Barry is half-legit!)
Barry has acted in 3 Grandstreet plays (Our Town, Mothers and Sons, Peter & The Starcatcher), 3 plays under the direction of Terri Atwood, and in Ross Peter Nelson’s Colter’s Hell. Rapture: The Musical is Barry’s 3rd produced Short Cut and An Evening On Saturn Station is his first longer production. Big thanks and big hugs to Vicki! Mwah!

Dan Weatherer
Stoke-on-Kent, UK
Dan is a UK writer who's connection to Montana is via Heartland Plays who have edited and published some of his work. Dan is an author and playwright who specializes in stories of the supernatural. He is the author of several short stories and his plays have appeared in festivals and fringe events.